I'm delighted to be able to bring you the first of what I hope to be many guest postings at Matsuli Music. Jonathan E, DJ Extrordinaire, hailing from the US of A, has compiled a mighty mix of soukous, rumba and makossa from original vinyl for your listening pleasure.
Wax d'Afrique Vol. 1 — African Fiesta Club
Selected by DJ Jonathan E.
1. Nico — African Fiesta Congo (from Kwamy Nico Rochereau — Les Merveilles du Passé 1965, African 360.145)
2. Kabassele — African Mokili Mobimba (from Joseph Kabassele et L’African Jazz — Hommage Au Grand Kalle Vol. 1, African 360.142)
3. Pamelo Mounk’a avec Les Bantous — L’Amour et la Danse (from Pamelo Mounk’a avec Les Bantous — L’Amour et la Danse, Black Music BM 002)
4. Nino Malapet — 5e Dan (from Nino Malapet — Mokilimbembe, Music-Press 33004)
5. Tchico — Nostalgie D'Afrique (from Le Commandant Tchico — Full Steam Ahead, GlobeStyle ORB 007)
6. Zao — Moustique (from Zao — Moustique, Bleu Caraïbes 82418-1)
7. Golden Sounds — Casque Colonial (from Golden Sounds — Casque Colonial, Vol 2, DTC 021)
8. Black Styl — O Sambo (from Black Styl — Golden Collection Vol.1, TN 594)
9. Prince Lessa Lassan — Djalenga (from V/A — Swahili Records Presents Djalenga, Albion SWAH 001)
10. Tjahe — Afric' Ambiance (from Tjahe — Afric' Ambiance 1000% Makossa IV, General Modern Enterprise 005)
11. Kwamy — African Club (from Kwamy Nico Rochereau — Les Merveilles du Passé 1965, African 360.145)
If you would like to contribute a mix, song or article please do not hesitate to contact me: matsuli [AT] gmail [DOT] com. Although I've been a little quiet during September there are a number of great things brewing...watch this space!
It always scares me when I see that nobody has taken the time to log a comment on a post like this in case it stops people from submitting further compilations.
This is an absolute cracker in my opinion, a worthy addition to the African Serenade series previously posted and that I hope will continue and a great combination of the familiar and the complete unknown. What else could you ask of a mix?
I'd just like to say, once again, that this is a fantastic blog, one that I return to again and again. Its recommendations have had me scurrying hotfoot into record shops and its downloads and podcasts have had me grooving to a host of new sounds.
I wrote the last post, but then proceeded to hit the wrong button and it appears anonymously. Technically inept, moi?
Great compilation, thanks for all the wonderful music!
Can't get the file to work. Haven't had any problem with previous files.
A couple of people have reported problems with the download. I can't seem to work out what the exact problem is so let me try and fix the link. Give me a few days.
It works if you rename the compressed folder.
I changed the to -.
Thanks for the kind comments about Wax d'Afrique Volume 1. Please rest assured that I plan on future volumes drawn from my collection — there's plenty more to choose from. I must, however, request some patience — winter draws near in the Pacific Northwest and there is much to do before the winter rains.
I love the music. It reminds me of a good time of my life. I only wish that more of it was available on CD with original artists getting their share. Perhaps one day we will have stimulated the market sufficiently that record labels will see how to present more of these great recordings more widely.
DJ Jonathan E. aka jackdaw
I'm relistening to your compilation, and....wow!
Any chance of getting a full album of Nino Malapet?
Yes, please post Nino Malapet album!
As far as I can see there are no Nino Malapet releases currently available, not even any Les Bantous, so, yes, I will do something to make the whole album accessible. Give me a week or more likely two, please. Rains are coming, firewood needs splitting!
I'll probably put it on my own blogsite, http://blackmagicplasticbullet.blogspot.com/, which is not even as advanced as dinko's. If Matsuli permits, I'll post notice through him or here when it's done.
Thank you, a wonderful collection - I have to second the request for more Nina Malapet and particularly more Pamelo Mounk'a and Les Bantous. I am very happy that Syllart recently reissued on cd several albums of 60's African Fiesta and Grand Kalle (including tracks #1, #2 & #11 from this mix) and am hoping that les Bantous may be next.
Thanks once again Matsuli for the excellent track listing.
Any chance of a re-upload? Looks so cool.... And I only just now found your lovely blog (on skafunkrastapunk)
thanks for the mix if you can do a re-up, and thanks for the blog even if you can't!
I'm just listening to it again. Wonderful mix. Could someone please get Jonathan E to compile more of this fantastic music? Thanks.
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